This was the fruits of my labour on Sunday!
I did a 2-page layout of pictures of Chase eating jelly from a bowl - no hands! Marjorie took those pictures and put them on Amie's blog, but I just had to have them to scrap! Fortunately, the size was sufficient to develop (just had to remove the nasty yellow date from the corner!) The pages continue from one to the other and are meant to look like a film reel, or a section of photo negatives. Not much embellishment needed - Chase is cute enough without embellishments. I do love the Heidi Swapp words "Grin" and "Chuckle". I've used them on cards in the past, and I love them on the scrapbook pages. The little hearts between pictures are rubons.The second set of pages are of our Labour Day weekend trip we took to Grand Falls on quad last summer. It was the only camping trip we had done because Pete had started a new job earlier in the spring and didn't have much holiday time. The campgrounds were pretty much desserted on the tent side so we had a quiet weekend. It was lovely. We had a campfire with wiennies and marshmallows. But we had stayed only one night because we had a major rainstorm move through on Friday and Saturday. We probably could have drove out, but who wants to set up a tent in the rain?!?
The last set of pages I did were of the first Relay for Life that we did as a group of Guiders. I wanted to capture how long the night was and how tired we all got. The timeline shows just that I think. I love the picture of Marg with the tissues in her ears - the music was so loud we could hardly talk, so she solved that - for herself anyway! We were inside the Community Centre for the whole time but that didn't stop us from having a campfire - after all, that's what Girl Guides do best! The campfire was one that we use inside the hut. It's electric, but we used glowsticks in it to make it light up. Sandy was really pretending to warm her feet!
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